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How to Set Up CPU Affinity | ARK Server Performance Guide

Setting Up CPU Affinity and Priority

Optimize Server Performance with Advanced CPU Management

Learn how to optimize your server performance by configuring CPU Affinity and Priority settings. This guide assumes you have already set up your server. If you haven't set up your server yet, check out our guide on Installing Your First Server.

Access the Server Dashboard

Navigate to your Server Dashboard where all your server boxes are displayed.

Server Dashboard with CPU Button

Open the CPU Settings Window

In the top right corner of each server box, locate and click the blue button with the CPU icon to open the CPU Affinity and Priority Settings window.

The CPU settings button is easily identifiable by its distinctive blue color and processor icon.

CPU Button Location

Configure CPU Affinity

In the settings window, you can select specific CPU threads or cores for your server:

Click on individual cores to enable/disable them for the server
Dedicate specific cores to high-demand servers
Isolate servers to prevent resource conflicts
CPU Affinity Settings Window

Adjust Process Priority

Set the process priority level for your server using the dropdown menu:

Available Priority Levels:

  • Low
  • Normal
  • High
  • Realtime

Priority Impact:

Higher priority levels ensure the server receives more CPU time, while lower priorities help manage resource distribution in multi-server setups.

Process Priority Dropdown

Network Performance

For optimal server performance, ensure your network settings are properly configured:

Benefits of Custom CPU Settings

Optimized Resource Allocation

Assign specific cores to high-performance servers for uninterrupted processing power.

Balanced Performance

Prevent resource hogging by isolating server processes to specific cores.

Increased Flexibility

Fine-tune processing power distribution based on server requirements.

Enhanced Multi-Server Control

Segregate workloads effectively in multi-server environments.

Additional Performance Tips

For optimal server performance, consider implementing these additional optimizations:

CPU Settings Successfully Configured!

You've successfully optimized your server's CPU settings for better performance.

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