Learn how to add custom console arguments to fine-tune your server settings. This guide assumes you have already set up your server. If you haven't set up your server yet, check out our guide on Installing Your First Server.
Begin by selecting your server and accessing the Server Settings tab where all configuration options are available.
The Server Settings tab contains all advanced configuration options for your server.
Scroll down to find the Custom Command Line Inputs section where you can enter your custom console commands.
Type your custom console commands in the provided input box. Ensure each command is formatted correctly.
-ForceRespawnDinos -NewSaveFormat -servergamelog -servergamelogincludetribelogs
Before applying commands to your live server, it's crucial to test them in a controlled environment:
Set up a separate test server or create a backup of your current configuration.
Add your custom commands to the test environment first.
Watch for any stability issues or unexpected behavior.
For optimal server performance and functionality, consider these additional configurations:
You've successfully configured custom console arguments for your server.