Learn how to set up automated backups to protect your server data. This guide assumes you have already set up your server. If you haven't set up your server yet, check out our guide on Installing Your First Server.
Access your server's dedicated tab and locate the "Backup & Restore" section to begin configuring your backup settings.
Adjust how often the ARK server creates its own backup file using Wildcard's built-in auto-save feature.
This setting affects the server's internal backup creation frequency.
Choose where your backup files will be stored:
Configure how many backup files to keep:
Choose a retention value based on your backup frequency and storage capacity.
Backup every hour on the hour
Choose specific time for daily backup
Select day and time for weekly backup
Click "Save Backup Frequency Settings" to apply your configuration.
To ensure optimal performance during backup operations:
Configure CPU affinity to minimize backup impact. See our guide on Setting Up CPU Affinity.
Ensure proper port configuration for network backups. Check our guide on Opening Windows Firewall Ports.
Use custom console arguments to optimize backup behavior. View our guide on Adding Custom Console Arguments.
You've successfully set up automated backups to protect your server data.